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Cynical Knitting Gal

Ooh that colorway is fabulous. Love it. And, sheesh, only Nicole Kidman could still look stunning after being graffiti-ized :)


I love those cars. They are so cute.


I love the LOL vogue models. I will shamefully admit that I check icanhascheezburger.com (several times) daily. Cute cats + funny = heaven.

That hat looks so cute. I've noticed it before. What's not working out about it? I would think it'd be lovely with your red curls.

Those tiny cars are SO CUTE. I want one. :)

Hope you're having a good Monday!

Carrie K

Poor Nicole. That teardrop is so 80's Prison chic. Dated.

Cute cars! I still want a Humvee.


If she changed her name to SadGirl or LaFlaca, then her metamorphosisi would be complete! ;-D

With the price of gas, a cute car is not a bad idea!

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