In order to ensure that I fulfill my resolution to do Bikram yoga on a regular basis, I decided to get a workout/work-crap multitasking bag. Essentially it came down to two choices, and although I would've loved to have bought this 'Whole Paycheck'-type of bag from Lululemon:
the rational part of my brain couldn't rationalize $128+tax for a workout bag. Insead, I found this little jewel from Zappos for $60:
And, I must say that I am quite pleased with this bag so far! I'll let you know if I change my mind!
P.S. I fulfilled my resolution of 3 Bikram workouts for the first week of January! According to a New York Times article by John Tierney, I am more likely to hold fast to my goals because I've made a "formal resolution" and if I continue sticking to that resolution through January, I shall "last a lot longer"! Let's go, Holly!
Finally, do you have any New Year Resolutions you'd like to share with the blogosphere?