I need to share the conflicted feelings and a few questions that are swirling in my mind at the moment. Please bear with me (and please share your opinion).
- Dogged brought up the issue of using other people's pictures (without permission) in blog posts, stating that she does not use other people's pictures in her posts as her blog is a log of her crafts and not one of other people's crafting (not her exact words).
- I've actually used one of Dogged's pictures, but emailed her for permission* (and received permission) to use it on my blog. I asked Dogged if I could use her picture as I felt that it really showed off the pattern in a better fashion than those pictured on the pattern author's site. (The fact that she has a statement on her site that warns others not to use her stuff without her permission was the impetus for me to not post her picture until--and unless--I had her express approval to do so.)
- Generally, this is the case when I use other people's photographs (and try to remember to give them clear credit for their work and photography) on my blog. ("This is the case"--referring to the fact that I use other peep's pics because they are an exceptional example of a pattern knitted or sewn up, not in reference to emailing a person to ask for their permission to use their pic.)
- I also use other people's photographs as a way of remembering visually and easily pieces that I wish to knit in the future. Of course, Ravelry will perhaps eventually negate this sort of compiling of ideas on my blog. But I don't yet have my Ravelry invite, nor do approximately 14,000 other individuals wishing to get on board as the site is still Beta.
- And, yes, I do use del.icio.us to keep track of the things I'd like to make. Additionally, though, I do like to share the things I'd like to make (via posts to my blog) with the handful of readers who frequent my blog.
- Finally, I have to admit that, on the few occasions when I have seen my work (via my photographs) on other's blogs, I have been thrilled to be featured on their blog. Naturally, this thrilled-ness may result mainly from my being an almost-novice in the bloglandia of knitting, but it also truly reflects my joy that others appreciate my work and want to share it with their readers.
- So, I'm conflicted. I understand what Dogged is saying, but I also know what I feel.
- What about you? What do you feel, think, believe, and understand? Please share with me!!!
***Nota Bene: This is in no way a snarky attack on Dogged, just an honest reflection on the ideas she has shared in her blog post here. Truth be told, her site is one of my favorite reads! Furthermore, I've sent her a trackback so that she may be made aware of what I've written here.***