I was tagged by Eleni of Holy Knit! Batman. I am afraid of chain letters and this one's directions--
"Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about
themselves. Those tagged need to write in their
blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need
to tag seven others and list their names on your blog.
You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in
their comments so they know that they have been tagged
and to read your blog. "
--have a certain chain letter-ish tone, so I will not be tagging anyone else.
1. I believe that, had I been better at math, I would have pursued a science degree in order to become a dermatologist. But, I have to work so much more at math than I do with literature, critical theory, and philosophy, and thus I was too frustrated by the math requirements to pursue a BS.
2. I--by far--prefer white kernel popcorn over yellow kernel corn. Also, I like to cook my popcorn on the stovetop with olive oil and salt only.
3. I like twice-popped popcorn. What, you may ask, is "twice-popped popcorn"? Well, I discovered it when I ran out of white popcorn kernels and had to re-pop the un-popped kernels in the popcorn bowl. (And, yes, I am obsessively in love with popcorn!)
3. I can't snap my fingers with my left right hand; I'm a right left hand only snapper.
4. I LIKE lots of sugar on cereal of all kinds. Even on frosted flakes and froot loops!
5. I am nearly convinced that--despite not eating meat for a majority of my life, and barely touching it during those years before I officially went veggie--I will someday get mad cow disease.
6. Although, I now eat fish and seafood, I will not eat shark because I "believe" the world's sharks will then know I ate one of them and then eat me next time I am in the ocean. I don't really believe this, but it makes for a good superstition and a good excuse not to eat shark.
7. In first grade, I was kept in during lunch-recess multiple times for not finishing my carton of milk. I hated milk, but was forced to drink it since the school was convinced that it was necessary for my health. Eventually, my parents had to meet with the principle to convince him to not force me to drink milk. Yuck, I still hate drinking milk.