"Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us."
-William O. Douglas (Supreme Court Justice from 1939-1975)
No knitting to speak of today--way too busy with an extremely crazy week at school.
Nonetheless, it is impossible to ignore the outrageous words of
Pres. Bush: "[...]It is unacceptable to think [...]".
These are of course words taken from his speech (from last Friday, Sept. 15) which was--in essence--a response to Colin Powell's finally getting some guts together and standing up for the basic beliefs of this country and its promises to uphold the rules of the Geneva Convention (too bad he didn't have any balls/ovaries prior to helping us start a war in Iraq!). Contextually speaking, the "unacceptable to think" was spoken in connection with Bush's stated belief that there is no way anyone could compare the actions of terrorists to the actions of some people in the U.S. government. Unfortunately, that is simply not the case. We cannot deny Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, or the CIA's Secret Renditions of "supposed" enemies/people to secret prisons in Europe and the Middle East.
Of course, Keith Olbermann's commentary says it all (and so much better than I ever could):
And again--Vote, people! VOTE! And remember to register to vote if you aren't or haven't done so already.