I either need more actual time to knit or need to learn how to knit like a crazy-speedy robot as I've found another knit object to add to the queue:
Zephyr's Tree Jacket (Zephyr Photo from Pattern Advertisement)
I think I would do the shoulders and arms differently as I am not so excited about the corrugated look, but I do love the cowl-ish neck and the lace on the body. Cute!
As for my soon-to-be "official queue," I now have 170!! people ahead of me in the Ravelry line!!! How exciting! Unfortunately, my DSL failed to be hooked up this last Friday (thanks sooooo much AT&T, I really appreciate that) and is now supposed to get hooked up either Wednesday or Thursday--AARGH! Serious grumpiness on that front. I am posting now with a snippet of internet access I am catching from some business's unsecured wifi (bad Holly!).